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Author      Keynote Speaker     Consultant





Katie Garner Author Educaton Keynote Speaker
Katie Garner Education Keynote Speaker at National Title I ESEA Conference

Katie Garner, M.Ed., author of Secret Stories® Cracking the Reading Code with the Brain in Mind is an international keynote speaker and author with 30 years of experience in classrooms around the US, and a passion for infusing neuroscience into literacy and learning. Katie's “backdoor to the brain” approach to accelerating phonics skill access for reading is a cornerstone of effective science of reading-based instruction for students and professional development for teachers. Her fast-paced and dynamic presentations spotlight evidence-based strategies for boosting existing reading and phonics curriculum with the latest neural research on how our brains learn best. Katie's practical and proven methods have been the topic of lecture and panel discussions at Harvard University and MIT, as well as the subject of numerous professional journal articles and research publications. Her Facebook Group, Science of Reading Meets Science of Learning, is a popular learning hub with over 150K+ educators from around the world and free access to instructional resources shared in the group files.

To invite Katie to speak at your event or to work with your school or district, fill out a contact request here. 

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For more on Secret Stories® visit


Click here for information on scheduling Katie to speak at your conference or event, 
or for information on bringing Katie to your school or district for a professional development phonics workshop.
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